The Wartrace Regulators hosted the SASS Tennessee State Championship, The Regulators Reckoning Oct. 11-13. Once again the match filled up several weeks early and we had to start a waiting list. We had 167 registered shooters from 13 states and 163 started the match.
Thursday, Side-Match day , started with the normal speed events, Long Range, 3 stage Wild Bunch mini- match, 3 stage Black Powder mini-match and a special Fund Raiser for the SASS Memorial Chapel at Founders Ranch. This consisted of a Pig Iron Lane inspired "Cut The Rope" target, where you tried to shoot a 1/4" rope in two at about 30 feet. Unpleasant cut it with his first shot from his rifle. Several others cut it with 2 shots, although most took more than that. To my knowledge Joe West and I, Randy Saint Eagle, were the only 2 to cut it with pistols and I cut 1 right handed and 1 left handed. I guess the next time I miss a 16"x16" cowboy target I can't blame it on my pistols. One of the Cowgirls to cut the rope was Buxom Boo. Between money donated to shoot at the rope and passing the hat at the Side-match Awards we raised $227. A Cowboy who wished to remain anonymous said $500 sounded like a better number and gave me a check for $273, so $500 will be going to the Chapel Fund. Thank you to all the Cowboys and Cowgirls who donated money for your generosity. One of the highlights of the Side-matches for me was Buxom Boo using my TTN to win the Ladies Hammered Double Barrel Award.
On Thursday night quite a few Cowboys and Cowgirls headed to The Bell Buckle Cafe for dinner, for many this has become an annual ritual.
We woke up Friday morning to quite a bit of rain but were blessed that it stopped before the Safety Meeting. We were excited to have two very special guests this year and to start things off Whiskey Hayes introduced Judge Roy Bean SASS #1 and Justice Lily Kate his bride. Without these folks there would be no SASS or the game we all enjoy. After Whiskey welcomed everyone he turned it over to Papa Dave for the Safety briefing and Sgt. Shooter offered a prayer and thanked God for all that we are blessed with. After the Pledge of Allegiance we were off to shoot 5 stages.
About 30 minutes after the first days stages were completed we had a Team Match consisting of 3 person teams. Everyone who wanted to compete threw their badges in a basket, it was going to be a hat but we had a mist of rain start up and I didn't want to take off my hat, and the teams were drawn. 1 person shot a rifle and 5 rounds on a Texas Star, 1 shot a pistol and 5 rounds on another Texas Star, Gunfighters could use 2 pistols and load 2 in one pistol and 3 in the other, 1 shooter had a shotgun. The Shotgun shooter started with 2 knock downs, the rifle shooter tried to clean his star, after his 5th shot the pistol shooter tried to clean his star, after his 5th shot, the shotgun shooter had 2 more knock downs and cleaned up anything left on the stars. I was drawn for a team with Slick's Sharp Shooter and Yankee Dutchman and we had a good run finishing 2nd, but 2nd in a gunfight is not a good thing. Marshall WD, Duck River and Birdshot Pete were the winning team.
After the Team Match, Chickamauga Slim lead the Karaoke. Charlie Bowdre had the blessing for our meal and we enjoyed some great food. The range food was prepared by Rollin Chopsticks and Cimarron Lil said it was the best food she had ever had at a match.
After dinner we had Side-Match awards and a couple of shooters got enough wood to build a small shed. All our wood awards were done by Dezignz By You. Door Prizes followed dinner and we had enough that every shooter present got something and a few got more than 1 thing. A shooter commented on the SASS Wire a few years ago that "Where else but Tennessee can you go and find Jack Daniels on the prize table". This year we had over 50 bottles, thanks to Whiskey Hayes and Jack Daniels.
Saturday dawned with great weather and the final 5 stages. As usual Whiskey Hayes wrote some fun and fast stages. The top shooters shot the 10 stage match in just over 200 seconds. We had a wide variety of stages with something for everyone. After the last shots were fired everyone packed up and prepared for the banquet.
The Banquet was held at our usual spot, the Tullahoma Country Club, and they prepared a fantastic meal. A Bluegrass provided the entertainment while we ate.
Whiskey Hayes recognized Judge Roy Bean and Justice Lily Kate for all they do for our sport. Next he recognized Charlie Bowdre for bring SASS and Cowboy Action Shooting to Tennessee. All the Tennessee State Category Champions were recognized and given State Championship plaques for their accomplishment. Then the Top 5 in each Category were awarded buckles with 1st place in each Category receiving a a plaque as well.
Overall Tennessee State Champions were Prestidigitator and Dew R Dye.
Top Gun was Duke Skywalker, followed by Shell Stuffer, Pretidigitator, Silver City Rebel and Fast Eddie rounded out the Top 5.
Ladies Top Gun was Slick's Sharp Shooter, followed by Dew R Dye, El Paso Susie, Sassy Teton Lady and Last Kiss rounded out the ladies Top 5.
One of the awards I was the most proud of was Birdshot Pete, State Champion Buckaroo. I've been working and training with him for a few months and he is a fine young man and a good shooter.
Every registered competitor received a ticket for major door prizes and had to be preset to win. Whiskey took several breaks during the awards to draw for prizes including 3 guns provided by our Main Match Sponsor, The Outpost Armory. They donated a Stoegar Coach Gun, Uberti El Patron pistol and an 1873 Uberti rifle. Papa Dave donated a Hooligan Wagon gun cart. I especially want to thank Jerimiah Longknife and Black Hills Leather for donating a competition holster rig that I was lucky enough to win. I'm really excited to get it ordered.
Thank you to all our sponsors, a complete list can be found here.
Videos 1
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Complete Scores
Match and Award Photos by Gringo Gordo
Another Tennessee State Championship is in the books and I hope, if you were there, you had a great time. In a few weeks we'll start planning for next year.
The next Cowboy Match at Wartrace will be November 3, for more info always check out our website.
Until next time may all your shots "ring steel". Happy Trails
11 years ago