Sunday, June 19, 2011

6/18/11 Wartrace Cowboy/Wild Bunch Match

35 Cowboys and Cowgirls came to Wartrace to help us defend our town. We shot at the Line Shack, Cemetery, Livery Stable, K O Corral and Fort Sweeney. As is our normal we shot the same stages as we did the first of the month with a few changes for the Wild Bunch Shooters.

We had 3 Cowboys and new Wartrace Regulators shooting their first match. It's great when new members shoot their first match.

It was a warm day, but a breeze and clouds kept it nice most of the day. It got pretty hot on a couple of stages and the Cowboy Posse got rained on at the last stage.

The Wild Bunch shooters shooting those new-fangled auto-loading pistols topped the Cowboy shooters today, but I think they are just a passing fad. I don't think that auto ever take the place of Sam Colt's Single Action Army revolver.

Papa Dave (on one foot) was the Top Gun of the Wild Bunch and the Overall Top Shooter. In the Wild Bunch Match Papa was followed by Sunflower Kid, Slim Jim Dandy, Cherohala Chase and Branchwater Jack rounded out the top 5 Wild Bunch. 7 of the overall top 10 were shooting Wild Bunch, The Cowboys want another rematch.

C W Knight was the Top Gun in the Cowboy Match, followed by Randy Saint Eagle, Sheriff Frank Canton, Latigo Jim and Dusty Wilcox rounded out the top 5 Cowboys.

Wild Bunch Scores

Cowboy Scores

For a link to 20 videos go to my YouTube Channel

**NOTICE after this video the rest are not mine and I have no control over what is next, for all Cowboy videos click on link above video screen.**

I hope everyone enjoyed this Match as much as I did. Our next Match at Wartrace will be our Main Cowboy Match, July 2nd. Hope to see you all there. For more information about our Club and Matches always check out our Website.

Until next time Happy Trails to you and may all your shots "ring steel".