Sunday, May 27, 2012

Wartrace Regulators Cowboy/Wild Bunch Match

On Saturday May 19, 34 Cowboys, Cowgirls and Wild Bunch shooters rolled into Wartrace for a little Cowboy fun. It was a hot day for spring but it was dry and we were happy.

We shot at the Train, Depot, KO Corral, Jail and Fort Sweeney. Whiskey wrote some great stages as usual, all had enough movement to keep it interesting except the corral and it had 7 knock downs.

We had one new to Wartrace shooter, welcome Rooster Colt.

Last year we started recognizing the Wartrace Regulator who shoots the most "Clean Matches" each year and this year we are proud to award it to  Papa Oso.

Whiskey Hayes was the Top Gun of the day and he was shooting his usual Classic Cowboy. It's impressive to see the top shooter shooting 45 Colt and duelist style pistol and a hammered double barrel shotgun.  Whiskey was followed by Randy Saint Eagle,Tombstone John, Sergeant Shooter and Emmett Moon (Top Wild Bunch).

Emmett Moon was the Wild Bunch  Top Gun  followed by Sunflower Kid, CW Knight, Frank Buckshot and Deadwood Miner rounded out the top 5.

Congratulations as well to Cheyenne Thornton, Grey Horse, Gringo Gordo, Ida Shot'em, Imis Twohofon, Papa Oso and Sunflower Kid for shooting "Clean Matches".

Complete Scores


The next Cowboy Match at Wartrace will be June 2nd, Safety Meeting 9:30, for more info always check our Website

Keep your powder dry, shoot straight and may all your bangs end with a clang.

Happy Trails.