44 Cowgirls and Cowboys rode into Wartrace on a hot day (it is August) for some Cowboy Action Shooting fun. We had 3 posses and on a hot day this worked well. We were expecting a large bullet order to come in early afternoon so we wanted to be finished when it got in.
Papa Dave welcomed everyone and had our Safety Meeting, Branchwater Jack offered a Prayer and led us in the Pledge. Then we broke into posses and got started.
I was on posse 2 and we started at the Fort where we started with both hands touching the center table with pistols holstered, rifle and shotgun staged on the table. Gun order is shooters choice, rifle not last. With rifle starting on either end rifle target single tap R1, double tap R2, triple tap R3, quad tap R4. Shoot the pistol targets with the same instructions as the rifle targets, engage the 2 shotgun knock downs in any order. This was my best stage of the day, I shot it in 14.58 seconds.
Next we went to the Jersey Lilly where you began standing at the center window with hands touching window frame, pistols holstered, rifle staged in either outside window and shotgun staged in opposite outside window. At the beep with pistols shot from center window starting on either outside pistol target quad tap P1, double tap P2, quad tap P3. With the rifle shot from the staged location engage the rifle targets with the same instructions as the pistol targets. Shotgun from the staged location engage 2 KD's in any order move to the opposite outside window and engage the remaining 2 KD's. We were the first posse to shoot this stage and had to stop several times to kill wasps. They were so bad when I staged my shotgun they tried to build a nest in it while I was staging my rifle. Thankfully Widder was there with a can of wasp spray and was able to spray my shotgun and run them off.
Our 3rd stage was the Cantina where you started standing at the center table or the right window with pistols holstered, rifle and shotgun staged on the center table. Gun order was shooters choice, rifle not last. With pistols shot from the right window starting on either of the 2 pistol targets alternate single taps for 10 shots, rifle shot from center table using same instructions as pistols, with shotgun engage the 4 KD's in any order. I jacked out a rifle round but had a decent reload and managed a 21.06 second run.
Next we headed to the Cash Jackson Mine where you started standing between the left and right tables with a hand on each beam, pistols holstered, rifle staged on the right table and shotgun on the left table. At the beep move to the right table and starting on either end target double tap R1, single tap R2, double tap R3 and repeat sweep in the same direction. Move to the left table and shoot the pistol targets with same instructions as the rifle. Next engage 2 shotgun KD's from the left table then move to the starting position and engage the remaining 2 KD's. I shot this in a 20.09.
Our final stage was the Jail where you started standing in the office or the cell, rifle staged on office window shelf or the cell window shelf, shotgun staged on the office shelf and pistols holstered. Gun order is shooters choice, rifle not last. Rifle shot from staged location engage the center rifle target with 6 rounds then double tap each outside rifle target, pistols shot from the cell with the same instructions as the rifle and shotgun from the office window engage the 4 KD's in any order. I had a good run on this stage with a 19.31.
Cumberland Drifter was the Top Gun of the day, followed by Slick's Sharp Shooter (Ladies Top Gun), Widowmaker Hill, Double Nickle, Randy Saint Eagle, Ocoee Red, Reno Mustang, Ben T Iron, Dodge City Dixie and Branchwater Jack rounded out the Top 10.
Slick's Sharp Shooter was the Ladies Top Gun, followed by Dodge City Dixie, Alchemist Belle, TN Missy, Ara Tiest, Dr. Slick and Ida Shot'em.
Slick's Sharp Shooter had the fastest time on Stage 1, Cumberland Drifter was fastest on Stages 2, 3 and 4 and Double Nickle was fastest on Stage 5.
These were some really fast stages with 5 shooters having sub 100 second matches.
Cumberland Drifter, Donald Duke, Jailbreak Jake, Mule Face Mike, Nantahala Ned, Randy Saint Eagle and Widowmaker Hill all shot Clean Matches.
Complete Scores
Matches coming up soon include Guns of August, A Gunfight in Dixie, Leadmine Valley Shoot-Out.
If you haven't gotten your application in for The Tennessee State Championship Oct 6-8 be thinking about it, especially getting your lodging booked.
The next match at Wartrace will be the August 20th Cowboy/ Wild Bunch Match. For more info always check out our website.
Hope to see you down the trail, Happy Trails
11 years ago