Papa Dave, Sheriff Frank Canton and I headed north to spend the day with The Rockcastle Rangers. Also making the trip were Buck Dodgers, Tombstone John, Will Reilly, CW Knight, Randy Atcher and Tom Horn.
This was my first trip to this range since spring and Shaddai and the Rangers have done a lot of work since then. The range is really looking good.
After a Safety Meeting, Prayer and Pledge 25 Cowboys and Cowgirls shot 3 stages before a free lunch the the final 3 stages. The stages were some I've not shot before and they made you think. 2 of the stages were very similar, but opposite so I was glad one was our first stage and the other was our last.
I enjoyed the Stages even though I had to think. Sometimes I think we get so used to ordinary stages we don't have to think much.
I finally broke my 13 month streak and shot a "Clean" match, but not without some help from Shaddai to keep me from getting a "P" on the last stage.
Dusty Walker was the Top Gun, and also shot "Clean" , followed by Buck Dodgers, Campo Kid, Black Tom and Cumberland Drifter rounded out the Top 5.
The Rangers also have a new Website. and I think the scores will be posted on that sight.
To see all 8 videos go to my YouTube Channel
Don't forget The Tennessee State Championship is coming Oct. 6-8. Hope to see you there.
Until next time Happy Trails.