Whiskey had some fast and challenging stages, you had to think on a few of them, and one stage featured our brand new Texas Star. I think most folks enjoyed shooting the Star, although some of us have a lot to learn about shooting it.
Delap Dave, Coonbone, JB Littlebit, Sheriff Frank Canton, Sunflower Kid, Cherohala Chase, CW Knight, and the father and son team of Clancy O Conall and Lil' Marshall W.D. all shot the match clean. Clancy was shooting Frontier Cartridge, which makes it even more impressive to me.
Overall Winner was Whiskey Hayes shooting Classic Cowboy, followed by Duck River, Will Reilly, Lil' Marshall W.D. and Clancy O Conall to round out the Top 5. They will makeup our Shootist Category next month and that is a hard Category to get into.
As always I'd like to say a special thank you to Shotgun Schoolmarm and Annie Marlin for doing the registration and scores.
My daughters Allison and Natalie, along with my granddaughter Jade and my wife Lannie, came out and took pictures at the match. I'd like to thank them for coming out and providing this months pictures.
Several of us will be at The Tennessee State Championship instead of the Mid-Month Match.
The Mid-Month will be Sept 19., The October Match is being moved to the 2nd Sat., Oct. 10, due to The Alabama State Championship on the 1st weekend. Also don't forget
The Tn./Ky. Black Powder State Championship the last full weekend in Oct.