22 Cowgirls and Cowboys took a chance on the weather and came to Wartrace to have some Cowboy Action Shooting fun. Papa Dave gave a brief Safety Meeting and Whiskey Hayes welcomed everyone then offered a Prayer and led us in the Pledge. We then split into 2 posses and headed to the line.
I was on Posse 1 with Dead Lee Shooter, Double Nickle, Dodge City Dixie, Reno Mustang, Papa Dave, Brada Tat Tat, Blackjack Lee, Dirty Nerdy, Nantahala Ned and Ida Shot'em. While the posse was small everyone worked and we had a great posse. We were blessed with good weather, while it was a little cool the rain stayed away.
Dead Lee Shooter was the Top Gun of the day, followed by Double Nickle, Dodge City Dixie (Top Lady), Reno Mustang, Randy Saint Eagle, Papa Dave, Whiskey Hayes, Brada Tat Tat, Frank Buckshot and Blackjack Lee rounded out the Top 10.
Dodge City Dixie was the Ladies Top Gun, followed by Dirty Nerdy and Ida Shot'em.
Dead Lee Shooter, Dobber, Double Nickle, Frank Buckshot and Papa Oso all shot Clean Matches.
Complete Scores when available.
The next match at Wartrace will be the Long Range, November 14th ( November and December Long Range will be the 2nd instead of the normal 4th weekends).
The next Cowboy match will be the Cowboy/Wild Bunch, November 21st, for more info always check out our Website
Dodge City Dixie, Reno Mustang, Alchemist Belle, Donald Duke and Branchwater Jack will be heading this week to represent us at the Southeastern Regional, Gunfight at Givhans Ferry . I'd like to wish them all luck, this should be a really good match and the seafood at last years banquet was great.
Happy Trails and may every bang end with a clang.
11 years ago